Czech Republic joins the Drone Coalition for Ukraine

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | yesterday, 11:07
Czech Republic joins the Drone Coalition for Ukraine

The Czech Republic has officially joined the coalition of states that actively support Ukraine in the purchase of UAVs, led by Latvia and the United Kingdom.

Here's What We Know

The Czech Republic's official accession was announced during the 75th NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., where a memorandum of understanding was signed.

"I am very pleased to welcome the Czech Republic to the Drone Coalition, which is helping Ukraine fight back against Russian invasion. Each member state of the Coalition can make a significant contribution to Ukraine's efforts and support the development of its national industry," said Andris Spruds, Czech Minister of Defence.

In addition, the Coalition's lead nations, the United Kingdom and Lithuania, are calling on other countries to join to enable massive procurement of drones.

During the existence of the Drone Coalition, member states have actively supported Ukraine financially, providing significant resources for the purchase of the necessary unmanned systems. To date, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Estonia, Italy, New Zealand, Canada, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, and other countries have joined the coalition, which is formed along with Latvia.

It is worth noting that as of June 2024, the Drone Coalition has raised €549 million for UAVs for Ukraine.

Source: Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia