Samsung invests $68 million in AI technologies: Axelera AI and DreamBig receive funding for innovation

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 18:30
Samsung invests $68 million in AI technologies: Axelera AI and DreamBig receive funding for innovation

Samsung continues to actively invest in artificial intelligence, having signed agreements with Axelera AI and DreamBig. As part of Series B funding, Samsung Catalyst Fund, along with other investors, provided $68 million to Axelera AI, which specialises in semiconductors for Generative AI and computer vision.

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The funds will be used to develop solutions based on Digital In-Memory Computing and RISC-V, with potential applications in various industries, from automotive to digital health.

The remaining $68 million was awarded to DreamBig to develop products based on its Chiplet Hub, which provides universal support for AI, accelerators, processors, and memory.

Samsung's Marco Cisari noted that this investment is aimed at improving chip-based solutions that meet the growing demands of AI-intensive workloads.

Source: Axelera