Steam hosts Tower Defence Fest: gamers are offered discounts on games of the once popular genre
By: Anton Kratiuk | 30.07.2024, 12:10

Steam is hosting another thematic festival, which is dedicated to games of the once popular Tower Defence genre
Here's What We Know
Tower Defence Fest offers significant discounts on games in which you need to defend a certain territory from the invasion of numerous enemies.
Gamers are offered such games as:
- Orcs Must Die! 3
- Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborvill
- X-Morph: Defence
- Thronefall
- Kingdom Rush Vengeance - Tower Defence
- Siege of Centauri
- Element TD 2 - Tower Defence
- Isle of Arrows
- Ratropolis
- The Riftbreaker
- Creeper World 4
- Rock 'N' Roll Defence.
Surprisingly, the shop offers a discount on Stronghold: Definitive Edition, which is a great opportunity to buy an updated version of the cult RTS.
In addition, users are offered a selection of free games and demo versions of some projects.
The campaign will last until the 5th of August.
Source: Steam