Czech Republic, following Poland, intends to create "Ukrainian Legion" of refugees

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 14:05
Czech Republic, following Poland, intends to create "Ukrainian Legion" of refugees

The Czech Republic is considering creating a Ukrainian Legion, following the Polish example.

Here's What We Know

The Czech Ministry of Defence is currently analysing the Polish project from a practical and legal perspective. It is likely that Ukrainians will be trained abroad, serve in the Ukrainian Defence Forces, and return to their country of residence. The choice is completely voluntary.

"The Ministry of Defence is collecting additional information from the Polish side on the formation of the so-called Ukrainian Legion. When we have it, we will consider our possibilities of involvement," the ministry's spokesman, David Polak, told

The latest data from the Ministry of the Interior indicate that there are over 100,000 Ukrainian men aged 18 to 65 in the Czech Republic.

It is worth noting that Interior Minister Vit Rakusan ruled out the possibility of men being forcibly returned to Ukraine.

"The Ukrainian community living in the Czech Republic is numerous. I consider the Polish approach to legions to be a good one. Many citizens want to help their country, but they do not want to return to Ukraine, where they do not know what awaits them. If they were part of a unit here, it would make sense," Defence Minister Jana Černohova told ČT24.

Source: Gromada