Britain wants to restrict arms exports to Israel over the country's actions in Gaza

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 14:42
Britain wants to restrict arms exports to Israel over the country's actions in Gaza

Israel's offensive in Gaza could lead to the UK government suspending arms export licences for the country.

Here's What We Know

According to the Middle East Eye portal, the UK is also considering withdrawing its objection to the arrest warrant for Israeli leaders (including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu).

In fact, such changes are a consequence of the conclusion of the International Court of Justice, which stated that the current Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip is illegal. The highest judicial body of the United Nations ruled: "Israel's presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is illegal and must be ended as soon as possible."

British restrictions may apply to offensive weapons, but not to all types of weapons. This is due to the constant threat of an attack on Israel by Hezbollah or the Houthis.

A possible decision by the British government to suspend arms sales to Israel would not be unique. Back in May, US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin said that the Americans had suspended some arms shipments in response to Israeli military statements about plans to storm Rafah (a city in the Gaza Strip).

Source: Defence24