Spotify removes restrictions on viewing lyrics for free accounts

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 00:43
Spotify removes restrictions on viewing lyrics for free accounts

Spotify is once again allowing free users to see the lyrics to any song, although there were some restrictions until recently.

Here's What We Know

In May, the company restricted access to lyrics, allowing free users to view only 3 songs per month. This caused a negative reaction, as many users felt it was an attempt to get them to switch to a paid subscription. Spotify has now removed this restriction and free users can see the lyrics of all songs without restriction.

A Spotify spokesperson said that the company is constantly testing and improving its features and the availability of song lyrics will be expanded in the coming weeks. Spotify CEO Daniel Ek said the company is prioritising improvements to its free products based on performance in certain markets. The return of full access to song lyrics is part of those improvements. More updates for free users are expected in the coming months.

Source: Engadget