OpenAI is valued at over $100 billion: Investors step up secondary market deals

By: Nastya Bobkova | yesterday, 22:56
OpenAI is valued at over $100 billion: Investors step up secondary market deals

OpenAI is currently negotiating a new round of funding valued at more than $100 billion, according to The Wall Street Journal. Investors in the secondary market are already paying prices for the company's shares that indicate this high valuation.

Here's What We Know

Josh Kushner's Thrive Capital is expected to invest $1 billion in the company, which is a significant step forward for OpenAI.

In addition, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Apple may also be among the new investors. Currently, OpenAI's valuation ranges from $111 billion to $143 billion, depending on the sources.

Glen Anderson of Rainmaker Securities emphasised the strong demand for the company's shares despite the difficulties in valuation.

OpenAI, which has grown from zero revenues to billions in a few years, plans to reach $2 billion in ARR by the end of the year.

Source: The Wall Street Journal