The sequel to Hogwarts Legacy is the biggest project for Warner Bros. for several years to come

By: Dmitro Koval | 05.09.2024, 16:46
The sequel to Hogwarts Legacy is the biggest project for Warner Bros. for several years to come

Considering how successful Hogwarts Legacy has been for Warner Bros. it comes as no surprise that the company has officially confirmed its intention to release a sequel, and it will take a leading role in its list of projects.

Here's What We Know

In an interview at Bank of America's 2024 Media, Communications and Entertainment Conference, Warner Bros. Gunnar Wiedenfels said that Hogwarts Lehacy is a project with the highest priority for the company "over the next few years" as it will become the main source of revenue.

Where To Play

Hogwarts Legacy is available to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and Windows.

Sources: GamingBolt, Variety