Developers of 80 games signed agreements with SAG-AFTRA to achieve better terms, including protection against the use of artificial intelligence

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | today, 14:25
Developers of 80 games signed agreements with SAG-AFTRA to achieve better terms, including protection against the use of artificial intelligence

SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) has signed agreements with developers of 80 upcoming games, continuing its strike for better conditions for actors, including protection against the use of artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

The studios include Studio Wildcard (ARK Survival Evolved), Little Bat Games (an indie studio currently working on its debut game Vampire Therapist), and Francisco Gonzales (Rosewater and Lamplight City).

"We congratulate the video game companies that have signed our tiered and interim agreements," said Duncan Crabtree, National Executive Director of the union. "Not only are they doing the right thing for their employees, they are also helping to preserve the human art, ingenuity and creativity that fuels interactive storytelling."

As a reminder, the union members have been on strike since July after 18 months of negotiations failed to achieve better working conditions and, among other things, assurances that their voices would not be altered or reproduced by artificial intelligence.

Source: gamesindustry