Not yet, but: Sweden wants to leave open the possibility of transferring its Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 08:50
Not yet, but: Sweden wants to leave open the possibility of transferring its Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine

The Aftonbladet newspaper, citing Swedish Defence Minister Paul Johnson, said that Sweden wants to keep the possibility of transferring Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

Sweden recently announced a new military aid package to Ukraine worth $443 million.

However, in addition to the weapons intended for Ukraine, such as grenade launchers, mines, anti-aircraft missiles and boats, the part related to JAS 39 Gripen fighter jets is important. Approximately half of the value of the military aid ($220 million) is directed to the purchase of parts for the Gripen. This is necessary in order to bring old Swedish aircraft into service and possibly transfer them to Ukraine in the future.

JAS-39 Gripen

Today, according to Paul Johnson, it is not possible to transfer the Gripen to Ukraine because of the focus on the F-16, but in the long term, probably after 2025, it may be possible. That is, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway have already started the process of transferring F-16s to Ukraine, so they can wait with the JAS-39 Gripen so as not to interfere with the air coalition.

"The main focus now is to ensure that Ukraine can use the F-16 aircraft provided by several countries. But we want to keep the freedom of action to be able to transfer the Gripen later," he explained.

Source: Aftonbladet