Sky News: Iran has delivered Fath-360 missiles to Russia on a civilian ship across the Caspian Sea

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 08:29
Sky News: Iran has delivered Fath-360 missiles to Russia on a civilian ship across the Caspian Sea

Iran has delivered 220 Fath-360 ballistic missiles to Russia on the civilian cargo ship Port Olya 3 across the Caspian Sea.

Here's What We Know

The publication reports that they tracked the Port Olya 3 vessel in the Iranian port of Amirabad just six days before the transfer, on 29 August. They also added that the missiles are likely to be sent to a military test site called Ashuluk for testing and further training before being used on the battlefield.

The Russian military also received training in Iran to learn how to operate them.


The Fath-360 is an Iranian ballistic missile that, according to the Iranian military, has a range of 30 to 120 km and can carry a warhead weighing 150 kg and fly at Mach 3 (1020 m/s). Once launched, the missiles are connected to satellites to hit targets more accurately. The Iranians are believed to be using the Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system, which is an alternative to GPS.

Source: Sky News