Huawei to launch its own operating system without Android HarmonyOS NEXT by the end of September

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 02:19
Huawei to launch its own operating system without Android HarmonyOS NEXT by the end of September

Huawei is preparing for an important step in the world of technology, namely the launch of HarmonyOS NEXT, a new version of its operating system. According to the South China Morning Post, HarmonyOS NEXT, which does not use Android code, will be launched by the end of this month.

Here's What We Know

HarmonyOS, introduced in 2019, was initially used in smart TVs and later adapted for smartphones, tablets, and wearables. Now the company is taking the next step in an effort to achieve complete independence from Android.

HarmonyOS NEXT is the result of a complete rewrite of the software, which avoids any dependence on Android code. Chen Xinxin, general manager of HarmonyOS Industry Solutions, said that the new platform is designed to be "completely independent and autonomous".

In addition, key Chinese developers, including, are supporting the new platform by developing native apps for HarmonyOS. has already prepared its own app to be launched alongside HarmonyOS NEXT.

The first device to receive the new OS will be Huawei Mate 70. Although the exact date of its launch has not yet been announced, the Mate 70 will be a flagship smartphone that will showcase the capabilities of HarmonyOS NEXT.

Source: South China Morning Post