The creator of the original Flappy Bird was not happy about the game's revival

By: Dmitro Koval | yesterday, 07:42
The creator of the original Flappy Bird was not happy about the game's revival

Flappy Bird creator Doug Nguyen has publicly distanced himself from a fan revival of the game scheduled for later this year. In a recent post on Twitter, Nguyen stressed that he had "nothing to do" with the project and criticised its leader, who is affiliated with a cryptocurrency company.

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This development has caused frustration in the creative community, with one animator expressing concern about the growing exploitation of artists' work for financial gain.

Despite Nguyen's comments, the revival of Flappy Bird is still on track, with a game release this autumn and a mobile app launch scheduled for next year.

The original version of Flappy Bird, which became a viral sensation with over 100 million downloads, was removed from app stores by Nguyen in 2014 despite generating significant ad revenue.

Source: Eurogamer