Poor health and radio communication problems: due to a strong solar flare, a strong G3 class magnetic storm is raging on Earth

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 12:24
Poor health and radio communication problems: due to a strong solar flare, a strong G3 class magnetic storm is raging on Earth

Increased activity continues on the Sun, which is accompanied by a massive coronal mass ejection.

Here's What We Know

Scientists have recorded a flare, which is classified as X4 - this is one of the most powerful categories, which will certainly cause consequences on Earth.

It is expected that today - 16 September - will be a strong magnetic storm class G3, which will cause not only problems with radio communications and auroras in uncharacteristic regions, as it was in August, but also affect the well-being of people.

The magnetic storm will subside tomorrow, but the Sun is approaching the peak of its 11-year activity cycle, which is expected to culminate in 2025, so such events will occur even more frequently. By the way, the last flare occurred on 12 September, but it was shorter in duration.

Source: Space Weather