LEGO Horizon Adventures has received an age rating: you can play from the age of 10, and the word "arse" is also used in the game

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | today, 10:36
LEGO Horizon Adventures has received an age rating: you can play from the age of 10, and the word "arse" is also used in the game

One of the next LEGO games will be LEGO Horizon Adventures, which will expand the universe of Sony's popular IP and allow you to have fun with your friends. And now the game has been given an age rating by the ESRB.

Here's What We Know

The ESRB, which evaluates and assigns age ratings to video games, has published more information about LEGO Horizon Adventures.

The game has been rated E (it can be played from the age of 10).

It is described that players interact with characters and engage in close combat against cultists and dinosaur robots. Players use their fists, bows, and explosives to defeat enemies that fall apart into LEGO pieces. Battles are often fast-paced, accompanied by explosions, crashing sounds and screams of pain. Boss encounters involve longer fights with larger robotic dinosaurs.

It was also noted that the word "arse" is used in the game.

As a reminder, LEGO Horizon Adventures is rumoured to be released on 14 November on PC, PS5, and Switch.

Source: esrb