Dozens of mobile device explosions reported in Beirut, suspected to be Mossad operation (update)

By: Anry Sergeev | today, 18:44
Dozens of mobile device explosions reported in Beirut, suspected to be Mossad operation (update)

Several telegram channels that follow events in the Middle East have reported explosions in Beirut of mobile devices - special pagers used by Hezbollah militants. Some of the explosions were captured on store surveillance cameras. It is known that dozens of victims of such explosions are arriving at Beirut hospitals. There is a version that Hezbollah militants are using devices with a self-destruct mechanism, and Israeli intelligence services have gained access to it and activated a simultaneous explosion. The term "device jihad" is already being used on the Internet for this series of explosions.

Hezbollah has reportedly urgently banned members of its organisation from picking up any mobile devices.

Video from surveillance cameras:

Second video:

Photos available:

Men usually carry mobile devices in their trouser pockets. In this case, the explosion of even a few tens of grams of explosives can be fatal. Due to damage to the arteries of the legs. If emergency medical care is not provided, a person can quickly bleed to death.

Update: the number of injured has already exceeded 1000 people. Beirut's hospitals are unable to cope with the number of wounded people coming to them.

Yigal Levin, a former Israeli soldier, writes in his telegram channel:

"Interestingly, these 'pagers' were from a new batch supplied to Hezbollah activists. Moreover, they used these devices based on enhanced security measures. As it turned out, there were indeed more than a thousand victims - a massive bombing. At the same time, the nature of some of the explosions indicates that not only pagers but also other means of communication, which could have contained more explosives, were detonated. This also explains the completely different level of injuries: some people were only "scratched", while others had their hands, faces or other parts of their bodies blown off."

Update: Lebanese security sources have told the BBC that pagers used by Hezbollah members to communicate have been hacked by Israeli security services.

Reuters reports that Iran's ambassador to Lebanon has been wounded and adds that Hezbollah has claimed the attack as "the biggest security breach in the war with Israel". According to the agency, at least two Hezbollah fighters were killed.

Updated: Photo of the wreckage of a Gold Apollo Rugged Pager (AR-924) from the scene. The second photo shows the pager itself.

Sources: @yigal_levin, @voinasordoy