Photos of the wreckage of the Titan bathyscaphe, which killed five people more than a year ago, have been shown in the US

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 19.09.2024, 10:01
Photos of the wreckage of the Titan bathyscaphe, which killed five people more than a year ago, have been shown in the US

The US Coast Guard has released an image of the Titanic submarine that disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean in June 2023 during a tourist trip to the Titanic.

Here's What We Know

This week, hearings began on the causes of the explosion on the Titanic submarine. The hearings will try to restore the historical events and establish whether the crew did everything to avoid the accident.

As the hearings began, the US Coast Guard showed images of the submarine for the first time. The image shows the broken tail cone of the bathyscaphe with torn edges and torn fragments nearby.

According to CNN, investigators believe that the wreckage found four days after the accident (22 June 2023) indicates that the submarine suffered a sudden explosion caused by enormous pressure.

The US Coast Guard's Jason Neubauer acknowledged that the team is also tasked with determining whether there was any misconduct or negligence on the part of the certified crew. The main goal is to take measures to avoid such incidents in the future.

"If any criminal act is found, we will make a recommendation to the Ministry of Justice," he added.

As a reminder, the OceanGate Expedition submarine Titan with five people on board set sail for the wreck of the famous Titanic on 19 June 2023. On the same day, it disappeared from radar. On 22 June, the US Coast Guard found the wreckage. All those on board the submarine died.

Source: CNN