Against the backdrop of Twitter/X being blocked, Bluesky's new social network is rapidly gaining popularity and has already attracted more than 10 million users

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.09.2024, 22:17
Against the backdrop of Twitter/X being blocked, Bluesky's new social network is rapidly gaining popularity and has already attracted more than 10 million users

Immediately after Elon Musk acquired Twitter, the social network, which he renamed X, began rapidly losing users. Musk's statements, public scandals, increased toxicity on the social network, the departure of many brands and controversial innovations contributed to this.

But since millions of people can no longer imagine their lives without social media, all those who disagreed with Musk and Twitter's policies began to look for alternatives. So, in the summer of 2023 Meta released Threads service, which has similar functionality to X, and in the winter of 2024 Bluesky - another analogue of Twitter - went public.

Until recently, the social network remained in the shadows, but after the blocking of X in Brazil, Bluesky has seen a huge influx of users.

Here's What We Know

Just a fortnight ago we reported that there were 2 million people registered in Bluesky, and now their number has grown 5 times and counts more than 10 million active users! Moreover, most of them are Brazilian citizens and Bluesky is one of the top 10 most popular apps in the App Store and Play Store in the "social networking" category.

If you're reading this, you're one of the first 10 million users on Bluesky! Se você está lendo isso, você é um dos primeiros 10 milhões de usuários do Bluesky!

[image or embed]

- Bluesky( 15 September 2024 at 22:25

Now, everyone who logs into Bluesky from a PC sees a banner like this (if the user is registered, they are told their sequence number):

Against the backdrop of Twitter/X being blocked, Bluesky's new social network is rapidly gaining popularity and has already attracted more than 10 million users-2

Obviously, if X keeps this up, not only Brazilians will pay attention to Bluesky, Threads and other similar apps.

Source: Bluesky