A former Apple designer and OpenAI are working on a next-level AI device

By: Vlad Cherevko | 22.09.2024, 15:06
A former Apple designer and OpenAI are working on a next-level AI device

Former Apple chief designer Jony Ive, known for his work on iconic products such as the iPhone, iPad, iMac and Apple Watch, has confirmed that he is developing a new device, likely a smartphone, in collaboration with OpenAI.

Here's What We Know

Jony Ive, who worked alongside Steve Jobs for decades, is known to have created many of Apple's iconic devices. Now he, along with the head of OpenAI Sam Altman, aims to create something completely new, using modern technology and artificial intelligence.

The project has already started in San Francisco, and involves Ive's former Apple colleagues Evans Hankey and Tang Tan. While details are still scarce, it is known that the device will be equipped with AI capable of understanding context and interacting with the user on a new level using a camera, microphone and sensors. For example, the AI will be able to automatically order an Uber when you're about to leave the house, or, for example, if you tell it who you need to call and then pick up your smartphone, it will immediately place a call to that person.

Jony Ive and Steve Jobs

Ive and his team hope their new device will usher in a new era of computing, similar to what the iPad and other Apple products have done. But they have yet to convince consumers of the necessity and usefulness of this kind of innovation.

Source: The New York Times