Google Meet may stop supporting Android TV

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 05:05
Google Meet may stop supporting Android TV

The Google Meet app, which facilitates video calls on Android TV, may soon cease to be supported on this platform. According to Android Authority, the results of APK analysis indicate that the app may be decommissioned.

Here's What We Know

The popular AssembleDebug wizard found lines of code in the latest Google Meet update that hint at the end of support. In particular, one of the messages reads: "You won't be able to make calls using Google Meet on your Android TV anymore soon," and another says "Meet on Android TV is being discontinued."

The end of Google Meet support means that users will not be able to make video calls through the app on Android TV. This can be a problem, especially for corporate users, as it will be more difficult for them to hold online meetings.

The code contains references to other audio and video calling apps that may be useful if Google Meet is discontinued.

Google has not yet confirmed this information and there have been no official announcements about the changes in the documentation.

Source: Android Authority