Estonia allocates nearly $2 billion for ammunition procurement

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 08:13
Estonia allocates nearly $2 billion for ammunition procurement

The Estonian government has approved a state budget strategy that provides for an additional €1.6 billion to be allocated for the purchase of ammunition until 2031.

Here's What We Know

"Ammunition will become the main focus of the defence budget in the coming years," said Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur, stressing the importance of defending the country by being able to strike beyond Estonia's borders.

Pevkur also confirmed that contracts worth 1.9 billion euros are already in place for previously planned ammunition purchases, and new tenders will be announced soon.

It is known that Estonia will invest at least 3.3% of its GDP in national defence from 2025 to 2028. This puts the country in second place among NATO allies in terms of defence spending after Poland. The total defence budget for this period is €5.6 billion, now supplemented by an additional €1.6 billion allocated for ammunition.

French Griffon armoured vehicles in Estonia. The photo is illustrative.

In 2025, Estonia will receive its first HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, which will be able to strike at a range of up to 300 kilometres. In addition, the third self-propelled artillery division is being formed with 12 Caesar howitzers purchased from France, which will increase the mobility of the Estonian artillery forces.

It is worth noting that Estonia remains a staunch ally of Ukraine, allocating 0.25% of its GDP to military aid. The Estonian defence industry will also play a key role in providing support, with plans to establish a defence industrial park for the production of ammunition, military supplies and explosives.

Source: Defence Industry Europe