US private company to help train pilots on F-35

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 08:41
US private company to help train pilots on F-35

The US Air Force has signed a contract with the private company Tactical Air Support to train F-35 fighter pilots.

Here's What We Know

Tactical Air Support has entered into an agreement with the US Air Force that will allow US pilots of modern fighter jets to maintain the appropriate level of qualification. The company has F-5E/F light fighters, which are ideal for close air combat training.

The training of US military pilots will take place at two air bases - Hill (Utah) and Eglin (Florida) - with air combat training. Tactical Air Support's first F-35A flights will begin in October 2024.

The F-5F trainer aircraft. Photo: Tactical Air Support

The duration of the contract has not yet been disclosed, but it is known that in 2023 a similar contract was signed with the US Navy's naval aviation. It is worth noting that private companies specialising in military pilot training have become increasingly popular in recent years.

This is because there is a lack of sufficient training aircraft available to the air forces of most countries. In addition, the cost of purchasing new training aircraft has increased significantly.

Source: Tactical Air Support