Ukrainian Drakkars: military intelligence fighters told about the use of Swedish Combat Boat-90 boats and their capabilities

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 22:46
Ukrainian Drakkars: military intelligence fighters told about the use of Swedish Combat Boat-90 boats and their capabilities

In June 2024, the Ukrainian holding company Metinvest purchased three Combat Boats from Sweden as part of the Steel Front initiative to counter the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.

Units of the General Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry received the boats and spoke about their use.

Here's What We Know

Combat Boat-90 boats, which Ukrainian soldiers call Drakkars (after the legendary Viking ships), are 14.9 metres long, can reach speeds of up to 43 nautical knots and carry up to 21 soldiers in full ammunition or 4.5 tonnes of cargo. The boats have a range of 300 nautical miles.

The boats are equipped with machine guns and grenade launchers, and can be armed with light anti-ship missiles if necessary, as well as transport sea mines and depth charges.

The GUR is extremely pleased with the Swedish boats and uses them for a variety of missions, from reconnaissance and amphibious operations to casualty evacuation and destruction of enemy equipment. They note that the Combat Boat-90s are fast, manoeuvrable and easy to operate, while the reliable armour protects the crew from enemy bullets.

Source: GUR of the Defence Ministry of Ukraine