The Netherlands and Belgium create a joint special operations force

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 09:29
The Netherlands and Belgium create a joint special operations force

The Dutch Ministry of Defence has announced that it and Belgium are planning to create a joint maritime special operations task force to conduct operations around the world.

Here's What We Know

The Combined Special Operations Maritime Task Force (C-SOMTF) could be deployed as early as next year. The agreement was signed by both countries in early October 2024.

Although the Special Forces of both countries already work closely together, the signing of this agreement will take their cooperation to a new level.

Under the C-SOMTG, the military will train together and take the same courses. In addition, the Netherlands and Belgium will jointly purchase equipment for the Special Forces. The possibility of synchronising tactics, technologies and procedures is also being considered.

It should be explained that the idea of creating joint units of the Armed Forces of the Netherlands with neighbouring countries is not entirely new. Moreover, the Dutch army is deeply integrated with the armies of its neighbours.

A special operations unit of the Royal Netherlands Navy. Photo for illustration purposes

All three brigades of the Dutch Army are part of German divisions: The 11th Airmobile Brigade is part of the Rapid Reaction Division, the 13th Light Brigade is part of the 10th Panzer Division, and the 43rd Mechanised Brigade is part of the 1st Panzer Division of the German Army.

At the same time, the 61st Air Defense Missile Group of the German Army is part of the Dutch Joint Ground Air Defence Command. One of the German marine battalions is subordinated to the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps.

The Dutch Special Operations Command works closely with the Special Operations Forces of Denmark and Belgium as part of the Joint Special Operations Command, sharing a common headquarters for expeditionary units.

Another example is the joint British-Dutch amphibious force, which has existed since 1973. From the Netherlands, it includes the large amphibious dock landing ship HNLMS Rotterdam.

Source: Ministry of Defence