How Samsung's security team works: the secret Infinity project and its role in protecting Galaxy device data

Samsung has revealed information about its secret Infinity project, which is designed to identify and quickly fix vulnerabilities in the hardware and software of Galaxy devices.
Here's What We Know
The project includes Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), RED, BLUE and PURPLE teams that identify and remediate vulnerabilities in a real-world environment. The RED and BLUE teams perform proactive attacks and defences to identify device security vulnerabilities. The PURPLE team is dedicated to both attacking and defending critical sectors. These teams are located around the world, including Brazil, Poland, Ukraine, and Vietnam.

The CTI team also handles monthly security updates for Samsung Galaxy devices, researching the Deep Web and Dark Web to detect threats. Once a threat is identified, Samsung's security teams work with developers and operators to fix the problem.
Samsung also works with outside experts and agencies to identify vulnerabilities, offering rewards of up to $1 million for discovering multiple vulnerabilities and attacks. The vice president and head of Samsung MX security team, Justin Choi, said that they are closely monitoring forums and markets to prevent possible attacks on Galaxy devices. Project Infinity regularly provides monthly security updates, making Galaxy devices more secure.
Source: Samsung