Hunt for vicious lizards and giant spiders: 20 minutes of exclusive gameplay of the ambitious action game Monster Hunter Wilds has been released

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.12.2024, 19:56
Monster Hunter Wilds: Impressive Artwork from Monster Hunter Wilds Monster Hunter Wilds main art. Source: Capcom

Portal VGC has shared an exclusive video that reveals more details about the ambitious Monster Hunter Wilds action game, which will be the next big thing from Capcom.

Here's What We Know

VGC journalists got a chance to get a look at Monster Hunter Wilds and recorded footage that shows off the gameplay. Viewers were shown a joint hunt of three players on bizarre monsters, among which will be swarms of aggressive lizards and giant spiders. Defeating them will require concentration and competent actions of all team members.

Monster Hunter Wilds footage was recorded in 4K at 60 FPS and we must say that the game looks great and has all chances to become one of the main novelties of 2025, this is confirmed by the voice-over comments of the video authors.

When We Can Expect It

Monster Hunter Wilds will be released on 28 February 2025 on PS5, Xbox Series and PC.

Source: VGC