Russians dropped about 100 bombs a day in September - Truth Hounds

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 13.12.2024, 09:19
A giant among bombs: all about FAB-3000 from UMPC FAB-3000 air bomb with UMPC. Source: МО РФ

As of September 2024, the Russian Aerospace Forces used an average of one hundred guided bombs per day against Ukraine. Researchers from Truth Hounds have examined the dynamics of these attacks and their consequences in detail.

Here's What We Know

The study shows that in August 2024, Russian aviation dropped 2998 bombs, and in September this figure increased by 10% to 3342. This data coincides with the April statement of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, where he announced the figure of 3,000 bombs used in Ukraine.

Statistics on Russia's use of guided aerial bombs
Statistics on Russia's use of guided aerial bombs. Illustration: @M0nstas

Guided aerial bombs with planning and correction modules (P&CMs) have become a popular tool of the Russian VKS due to their simplicity and fairly low risk to the crew. It is a cheap, simple and mass-produced weapon. Strike operations are carried out mostly from a safe distance, although there are cases of losses on the Russian side.

The figures provided by Truth Hounds cover all cases of attacks by guided aerial bombs, including attacks on military positions along the front line.

At the same time, a significant number of bombs were aimed at civilian targets located far from the active combat zones, including in cities such as Kharkiv and Sumy.

Infographic of UXO bombs used in cities by city
Infographic of the use of UGV bombs by city. Illustration: Truth Hounds.

There is a clear trend: after every Ukrainian attack on the airfields where Su-34 fighter-bombers are based, the number of bombs launched decreases for a short time.

There are other patterns as well: after the attacks on Russian airbases in August, the intensity of attacks on regions that had not previously experienced such a high density of attacks, such as Sumy and Kherson regions, increased several times. After that, the following month saw a significant increase in the number of attacks in all regions, creating an exponential trend in UXO bomb attacks across Ukraine as a whole.

Source: Truth Hounds