Rumour: Gearbox has cancelled development of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands sequel

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 20:28
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Art Style Details: Exclusive Immersion Art Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Source: Gearbox

Co-operative shooter Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, which is a spin-off of Borderlands 3, was an experimental project for Gearbox studio, which exceeded all expectations of the studio.

After the release of the game there were statements that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands could be made into a full-fledged independent franchise and according to rumours Gearbox even started development of the second part.

But after the studio's transition under the management of Take-Two, the plans might have changed.

Here's What We Know

MP1st portal with reference to its own sources shared insider information that Gearbox has abandoned the development of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 2.

There is no concrete evidence of this, but indirectly the information is confirmed by the employees of Lost Boys Interactive studio, which was directly involved in the development of the first part of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

Thus, one of the artists in his profile on ArtStation portal marked the game as "unreleased". Another employee of Lost Boys Interactive indicated on LinkedIn that he worked at Gearbox on a cancelled project on Unreal Engine 4.

It's possible that both cases are referring to Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 2, but it's impossible to confirm these speculations yet.

It's worth mentioning that in early 2024, there was information in the media about a "soft restart of sequel development", which might have failed and the game was cancelled. However, it could have been temporarily postponed, especially since at the moment all Gearbox's efforts are focused on completing work on the shooter Borderlands 4, which should be released in 2025 and become the most ambitious game of the studio.

Source: MP1st