Space is no place for advertising! Astronomers call for a legislative ban on the promotion of goods or services in Earth's orbit

By: Anton Kratiuk | 28.01.2025, 14:59
Advertising technology has reached the moon: a new round in the industry or a threat to outer space? "Advertising on the Moon.". Source: Google

The famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking once urged mankind to "look at the stars, not at your feet", implying that it is in space where the most interesting events take place.

Marketers around the world wouldn't mind people following the scientist's advice, but not for research purposes, but ... to watch adverts.

Here's What We Know

Advertising in Earth's orbit has already been recorded, when small satellites lined up logos of famous brands or with the help of powerful lasers some kind of image was projected on the moon.

In the USA such practice is forbidden, but in other countries there is no punishment for such actions and the world community of astronomers calls on international organisations to ban advertising in space.

In early January, the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society was held, at which the organisation condemned space advertising as it disrupts ground-based equipment and interferes with space exploration.

Astronomers understand the prospects of such technologies and are confident that every year marketers will increasingly resort to space advertising, but scientists believe that science is more important and are in favour of the development of international conventions that will suppress such activities.

Source: SpaceNews