This is how a SpaceX rocket burns: a Minnesota resident showed spectacular footage of space debris entering Earth's atmosphere

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.02.2025, 14:42
Space Debris: A thought-provoking illustration Illustrative image of space debris. Source: Google

The more satellites and other man-made objects appear in Earth's orbit, the more often large pieces of space debris fall on the planet.

A new case occurred in the city of Fort Atkinson in Minnesota (Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA).

Here's What We Know

A local resident reported that he accidentally discovered the impressive footage that his security camera captured. He posted the footage, which shows a large object entering the Earth's atmosphere and burning up in it.

Specialists from the University of Madison in Minnesota have studied the record, made in late January, and are confident that the space debris is the remains of the launch vehicle Starlink-5693 - this is indicated by the coincidence of the trajectories of the movements of both the debris and the rocket.

Starlink-5693 was launched into space on 2 February 2023 as part of SpaceX's Starlink project, which provides Earthlings with high-speed satellite internet.

Of course the Earth's atmosphere protects mankind from most space objects falling on our heads, but it's always worth looking to the sky.

Falling space debris
Falling space debris. Source: Youtube

Source: ViralHog