Turkey starts production of Altay T1 tanks and already has plans for T2 modification

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 27.02.2025, 09:37
Altay: Turkish tank that changes the rules of the game on the battlefield Turkish tank Altay. Source: Defence Turk

The first Altay tanks in the T1 version will roll off the production line this year, after which the industry will begin preparations for the production of the promising T2 modification.

Here's What We Know

Turkey's BMC is completing the construction of a new 50,000 m² armoured vehicle plant in Ankara, where a tank production line will be launched. In the future, the new facilities will allow the company to produce up to eight vehicles per month.

According to the schedule, the plant will produce three Altay T1 tanks in 2025, 11 in 2026, 41 in 2027, and another 30 in 2028, for a total of 85 vehicles. More than 600 companies are involved in the production, including ASELSAN, ROKETSAN and HAVELSAN, which will provide communication systems, optics, guidance and destruction equipment.

Turkish tank Altay
The Turkish Altay tank. Illustration: Defence Turk

Defence Industries Chairman Haluk Görgün said that the tanks will use Turkey's own transmission and 1,500-horsepower BATU engine, developed in Turkey, instead of South Korean counterparts.

After the production of the T1 base tanks is completed, the plant will start production of 165 units of the Altay T2 modification, which will receive improved firepower and protection.

Source: Defence Industries