Steam expert: for a game to be successful, it needs to get 250 reviews in the first month after release

According to game marketing expert Chris Zhukovsky, for a game to succeed on Steam, it needs to receive approximately 250 reviews within the first month of launch. If this does not happen, the chances of success are significantly reduced.
Here's What We Know
During a discussion at the GDC conference, Zhukovsky noted that developers quickly learn whether their game has the "magic" that attracts players. If Valve notices this "magic", it gives the game maximum visibility on the platform. Analysing the data, Zhukovsky found that 74% of games that achieved significant success did so within the first three months of release.
However, there are exceptions. For example, Beltmatic by Notional Games initially received only 51 reviews in the first three months, which did not meet the criteria for success. However, after nine months, the number of reviews increased to 1000, which indicates the late but significant success of the game.
Zhukovsky recommends that developers aim for 1,000 reviews within the first year of release so that Steam can start actively promoting their game. This indicates that the game is converting well and has the potential for further growth.
Source: GamesRadar