The New History of the DC Universe comic will tell the entire chronology of the almost 90-year-old superhero universe in four issues

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 20.03.2025, 11:12
An in-depth look: Looking at the cover of New History of the DC Universe New History of the DC Universe cover. Source: DC

Since 1938, when Superman first appeared in Action Comics #1, the DC Universe has been expanding. And now, nearly 90 years later, writer Mark Waid teams up with some of DC's finest artists to tell the New DC Universe Story, a comprehensive timeline of the major events and most famous characters in the universe.

Here's What We Know

Waid calls The New DC Universe his "dream project," and artists Jerry Ordway and Todd Nauck will join him for the first issue of the four-part limited series. Other artists yet to be announced will draw each subsequent issue.

Wade also noted: "This is a chance to align the entire sprawling DC timeline into one master timeline, and team up with some of the best artists in comics to make it shine. With new information for even long-time fans, as well as plenty of easter eggs, this series will be a must-read for DC fans."

Previous versions of the DC Universe Unified History have already existed, but given the number of timeline changes, reboots and relaunches that DC has experienced over the years, a new version is much needed.

In this case, the story will be told through the eyes of Barry Allen, the classic Flash, whose appearance launched both the Silver Age of comics and the modern DC Universe. Barry will travel through time over four issues, and the first issue will cover the era from the beginning of time to the formation of the Justice League, the first superhero team.

In the meantime, you can take a look at some of the pages of this story:

New DC Universe History #1 will be on sale on 25 June.

Source: DC