The authors of Age of Empires IV have revealed the release date of the major DLC Knights of Cross and Rose and are offering a discount for pre-order

The authors of the popular strategy Age of Empires IV revealed the release date of the major DLC Knights of Cross and Rose.
Here's What We Know
The developers reported that the expansion will be released on 8 April on PC (Steam, Microsoft Store) and Xbox. Buyers are offered to pre-order and get a 15% discount.
Gamers were shown a trailer, which reminded that Knights of Cross and Rose will add two powerful factions of medieval Europe - Knights Templar and House of Lancaster.
As in real history, the Templars rely not only on military strength, but also on wide representation in most kingdoms and great economic power. They have allies everywhere, so playing as Templars gamers will constantly receive new bonuses. In addition, the Templars have a huge number of impregnable fortresses, which makes the war with them difficult and very costly.
As for the House of Lancaster, this British dynasty relies on small units of mobile archers, which are distributed across the battlefield and quickly destroy infantry. This faction has a unique Manor building that speeds up the acquisition of valuable resources.
In Knights of Cross and Rose the developers will add ten new maps for multiplayer and "Battle" mode, as well as a new single mode "Historical Battles", which will not have the usual emphasis on real events, it will be small scenarios that will allow you to find out which side would have been stronger in this or that situation.
Source: Age of Empires