Hyundai Mobis launches mass production of automotive chips

Hyundai Mobis is finalising the development of its own automotive semiconductors and preparing to mass produce them as early as the first half of this year.
Here's What We Know
Hyundai Mobis sees automotive semiconductors as a key technology for the future of mobility and has dedicated itself to R&D in this area. The company has officially announced that it has completed R&D, development and reliability testing of semiconductors for key automotive components - electrification, electronics and lighting. The production of these chips will be outsourced to Samsung Electronics. The project itself was made possible after Hyundai Mobis bought Hyundai Autron in 2020.
This year, Hyundai Mobis plans to start producing a power integration chip that integrates electric vehicle power management functions and a lamp control module.
Up to 3,000 chips are used in a modern production car, and this number will only grow. IDC estimates that the global automotive semiconductor market will grow from $41.2 billion in 2020 to $88.3 billion in 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of about 12%.
Hyundai Mobis is focusing on two areas:
- Power elements - contribute to the electric vehicle's range and performance;
- system elements - perform various functions including vehicle power, communication, sensors and networking.
The company plans to build a complete line of electric vehicle drive systems, from power semiconductors to power modules, inverters, motors and power systems. According to its medium- to long-term strategy, it will start mass production of Si-IGBT components in 2026. And in 2028 and 2029, Hyundai Mobis intends to start mass production of next-generation battery management modules and silicon carbide-based power semiconductors (SiC-MOSFETs).
In addition, Hyundai Mobis will open a research centre in Silicon Valley (US) in the second half of 2024 to develop new chips for domestic and international markets.
Source: Businesskorea