An intelligent ape, a companion rat and a gravity gun: gameplay trailer of the unusual horror game Animal Use Protocol is presented

By: Anton Kratiuk | 21.03.2025, 22:50
New Main Art in Animal Use Protocol: a first look at innovation Animal Use Protocol's main art. Source: Steam

THE BROTHERHOOD studio has pleased the audience with gameplay trailer of the unusual Animal Use Protocol game, which will offer a new look at the conservative survival horror genre.

Here's What We Know

The developers showed some scenes from Animal Use Protocol walkthrough, where you can see how the protagonist - a chimpanzee named Penn and his rat friend Trip are trying to escape from a creepy laboratory, inhabited by frightening creatures.

The protagonist and his companion have been subjected to genetic experiments and have gained human intelligence. Penn is armed with a gravity cannon (like in Half-Life) and with its help he can move objects and throw them at enemies, and this is very important, because he doesn't have a full-fledged weapon.

It should be noted that Animal Use Protocol looks very interesting, and not least due to the chosen retro-futuristic style, which is manifested in the design of scientific equipment, computers and other mechanisms.

When We Can Expect It

Unfortunately, no release date has been given for Animal Use Protocol, but it was previously promised to be released in 2026 on PC.

Source: FGS