Telegram trolls WhatsApp for new feature

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 06.09.2021, 09:52
Telegram trolls WhatsApp for new feature

WhatsApp has a feature to transfer conversations from iPhones to Samsung smartphones. But to do this, users will need a cable with USB Type-C and Lightning interfaces. In this regard, the developers of the messenger Telegram decided not to lower the possibility of teasing the WhatsApp team.

Users not infrequently criticize the WhatsApp instant messaging service themselves for the slow introduction of new features. For example, the already mentioned ability to transfer chats is only available to owners of Apple smartphones. Moreover, it is still possible to transfer conversations only on Samsung models.

The developers of Telegram on Twitter have responded to the WhatsApp innovation. They published a meme hinting that WhatsApp is significantly behind Telegram.

Source: Twitter