DeepMind head says lab's next chatbot will surpass ChatGPT

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 27.06.2023, 12:00
DeepMind head says lab's next chatbot will surpass ChatGPT

Google's DeepMind research lab claims that its next big language model will rival or even surpass OpenAI.

Here's What We Know

According to the head of the company, Demis Hassabis, developers are using AlphaGo techniques to create a chatbot called Gemini. If all goes according to plan, the tool will be able to plan or solve problems and analyse text.

Gemini is not DeepMind's first experience with language models. Last year, the company introduced the Sparrow chatbot. The company claims that their language model is less likely to give "unsafe" or "inappropriate" answers to questions.

DeepMind has been considering releasing a beta version of Sparrow this year. However, it is not known if these plans are still on track.

Gemini is DeepMind's most ambitious work to date. In March, the media wrote that the impetus for its creation came from the failures of Google's Bard chatbot.

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Source: TechCrunch