Gizmodo and Kotaku journalists to be replaced by artificial intelligence

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 03.07.2023, 16:13
Gizmodo and Kotaku journalists to be replaced by artificial intelligence

Major internet company G/O Media, which publishes Gizmodo, Kotaku, Quartz, Jezebel and Deadspin, has announced the start of "modest test" of artificial intelligence content on its websites.

Here's What We Know

In an email to staff, G/O Media editorial director Merrill Brown said the news should come as no surprise. He said "everyone in the media business" was now considering using artificial intelligence.

The trial will involve producing articles for most of the company's websites, which are mainly built on lists and data. Brown said AI would not replace the work of writers and editors.

"If we get these forms of content right and produced at scale, AI will, via search and promotion, help us grow our audience," Brown wrote.

Unions representing G/O Media employees wrote that they were shocked by the news. Gizmodo and Kotaku employees also expressed outrage on Twitter.

According to Gizmodo journalist Lin Codega, AI content will not replace, but devalue her work.

"Hey! This sucks!" tweeted Kotaku writer Zack Zwiezen.

Many staffers see this as another sign that artificial intelligence is already having a lasting and detrimental effect on journalism.

"How can anyone expect to have hope of any kind making it in media when the companies treat you no better than easily replaceable dogs," wrote The Verge video games reporter and former Kotaku writer Ash Parrish.

Source: Futurism.