Google has developed an artificial intelligence-based tool that can write news stories

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 20.07.2023, 17:55
Google has developed an artificial intelligence-based tool that can write news stories

Google is developing a new tool based on artificial intelligence with the code name Genesis, which is able to create news texts from any data.

Here's What We Know

The corporation has already shown its capabilities to representatives of major publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. Google claims that journalists can use this tool to automate routine tasks and free up time for more creative work.

However, not everyone has embraced the tool with enthusiasm. Some called it "disturbing" and said it ignores the complexity and responsibility of the process of writing quality news.

According to journalism professor Jeff Jarvis, journalists should only trust the tool if it can guarantee the accuracy of the information.

Source: Engadget.