Cruise will launch robotaxi testing in Nashville, Tennessee

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 28.07.2023, 12:44
Cruise will launch robotaxi testing in Nashville, Tennessee

Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt has announced that the GM subsidiary's Nashville, Tennessee, robotaxi service will be part of the expansion of its commercial operations.

Here's What We Know

The company's self-driving cars will hit the streets of Nashville as early as this week, followed by a robot taxi service.

According to the company, Cruise will also begin testing drones in several new cities. Atlanta (Georgia) will likely be one of them.

A year ago, the company was only operating in San Francisco. Cruise has since expanded to Austin, Dallas, Houston, Houston, Phoenix, and Miami.

So far, the robotaxi service is not operating commercially in all of these cities. Cruise has developed a certain formula for its projects. First, the company enters a new market with test vehicles. Then they are stripped of their driver, making them unmanned.

The ride-hailing service becomes available first to employees and then to customers. The territory and hours of operation of the service are often limited, but are gradually expanding.

As of today, Cruise's robotaxi service for private customers is available San Francisco, Austin, and Phoenix.

Source: TechCrunch