US regulators have demanded that Tesla provide configuration data on Autopilot's "Elon mode" system

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 30.08.2023, 18:19
US regulators have demanded that Tesla provide configuration data on Autopilot's "Elon mode" system

Tesla has received a special order from federal automotive safety regulators demanding data on driver assistance and monitoring systems, as well as the once-secret configuration for them known as "Elon mode."

Here's What We Know

Normally, when a Tesla driver uses the Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) driver assistance systems, a visual symbol flashes on the car's touchscreen, urging the driver to take the wheel. If the message is ignored, the "reminder" changes to a beep. If the driver still does not take the wheel, the car can disable the assistance systems for the rest of the journey.

As previously reported in the media, with the "Elon mode" configuration enabled, Tesla can allow the driver to use Autopilot and FSD without the so-called "reminder".

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has asked for details about the use of the secret mode. Regulators also want to know how many drivers have used the special configuration.

Tesla provided the requested information by 25 August. However, the company has requested a confidential review of its response to the NHTSA.

Source: CNBC