Adobe sells artificial intelligence-generated images of the Israel-Hamas war that are passed off as real in news reports

Adobe Stock
Adobe sells photos of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which were generated by artificial intelligence, through its stock image library. However, some media outlets illustrate real news stories about the conflict with them.
Here's What We Know
Some news outlets use such images in their articles without labelling them as fake. The images in Adobe's library are labelled as AI-generated, but this information is lost when published elsewhere.

The Adobe Stock library has an entire category called "AI-generated conflict between Israel and Palestine." As it turns out, numerous Internet articles use such photos and pass them off as real.

Experts have repeatedly warned that artificial intelligence will be actively used to create misinformation. It is becoming increasingly difficult to combat this problem as more and more realistic-looking synthetic content appears online.
A number of companies are trying to introduce labelling of AI-generated content, but such systems are not yet widely used in practice. They require the coordination of many players: social networks, media, application developers and the creators of generative AI themselves.
An Adobe spokesperson said the company is committed to fighting misinformation and developing tools to track the authenticity of content, including AI-generated content.