White House urged to pass anti-deepfake law amid Taylor Swift scandal

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 29.01.2024, 20:31
White House urged to pass anti-deepfake law amid Taylor Swift scandal
Ramaz Bluashvili/Pexels

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre urged Congress to pass legislation banning the creation and distribution of sexual deepfakes - images and videos fabricated with the help of artificial intelligence.

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"Of course Congress should take legislative action. That’s how you deal with some of these issues" Jean-Pierre stated at a press briefing.

The reason for this call was the recent incident with the spread in social networks deepfakes of an intimate nature with the popular singer Taylor Swift.

According to Jean-Pierre, the White House previously created a task force to combat online harassment. However, this was a piecemeal approach that did not regulate the spread of deepfakes.

"There should be legislation, obviously, to deal with this issue" emphasised the White House spokeswoman.

According to her, the current methods of content moderation on the part of Internet platforms are insufficient to combat such abuses of artificial intelligence technologies.

At the same time, Jean-Pierre did not name a specific bill that the administration of US President Joe Biden supports.

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Source: The White House