Tim Cook confirmed the release of Apple's generative AI by the end of 2024

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 02.02.2024, 16:50
Tim Cook confirmed the release of Apple's generative AI by the end of 2024
David Grandmougin/Unsplash

Apple CEO Tim Cook said during the company's financial results report that Apple's generative artificial intelligence software features will be available to users "later this year." This confirms recent leaks that iOS 18 will get major AI updates.

Here's What We Know

According to Cook, Apple is actively working on integrating artificial intelligence technology into its operating systems and is devoting a "tremendous amount of time and effort" to it. The company is preparing some "incredibly interesting" features.

However, the head of Apple refused to disclose specific details, referring to the traditional policy of the company - first do the work and then talk about it. According to him, the details will be known later during 2024.

"Let me just say that I think there’s a huge opportunity for Apple with generative AI and with AI, without getting into many more details or getting out ahead of myself" Cook summarised.

Earlier in the media there were reports that iOS 18 will receive the most extensive innovations in the history of the platform. We are talking just about advanced AI functions for working with photos, texts and other content. Thus, Cook's statements indirectly confirm these leaks.

By Apple's standards, public hints from the head of the company about upcoming updates are quite rare. This speaks volumes about the scale of upcoming innovations in the field of generative AI, with the help of which Apple intends to strengthen the competitive position of its operating systems.

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Source: The Verge