Texas companies arranged robocalls on Biden's behalf ahead of the New Hampshire primary

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 07.02.2024, 16:15
Texas companies arranged robocalls on Biden's behalf ahead of the New Hampshire primary

New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella has accused Texas-based Lingo Telecom and Life Corporation of sending robocalls on behalf of US President Joe Biden to the state's voters urging them not to vote in the Democratic Party primary.

Here's What We Know

According to the investigation, beginning on 21 January 2024, New Hampshire residents began receiving automated calls with a fake recording of Biden's voice. The message urged Democrats not to vote.

The attackers disguised the phone numbers in such a way that they appeared to come from the wife of former New Hampshire Democratic Party official Kathy Sullivan.

The investigation found that the robocalls were made through the Lingo Telecom platform on behalf of Life Corporation. They had previously been prosecuted for illegal mass calls.

State authorities have banned both companies from operating in New Hampshire and subpoenaed their representatives.

The prosecutor's office continues to investigate the incident for election law violations. It is estimated that the number of calls ranged from 5,000 to 25,000.

Earlier, the media reported that Biden's fake vote was generated using ElevenLabs, a platform that allows real votes to be cloned using AI. However, prosecutors have not confirmed the company's involvement in the deepfake.

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Source: The Verge