California has introduced a landmark bill on artificial intelligence

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 13.02.2024, 13:46
California has introduced a landmark bill on artificial intelligence
Tina Chelidze/Unsplash

California state legislators have introduced a bill aimed at regulating the sphere of artificial intelligence. It may become the basis for new rules at the federal level.

Here's What We Know

California Senator Scott Wiener introduced a bill requiring companies developing models of artificial intelligence to conduct preliminary testing of systems for possible risks, as well as to introduce measures to protect against hacking and disabling technologies.

According to the document, AI developers will have to inform the state authorities about the testing protocols and security measures used. If the technology causes "critical harm," the attorney general will be able to sue the company.

The initiative was a response to the lack of progress on AI regulation at the federal level. According to experts, passing this type of legislation in California, where many IT companies are based, could set a precedent for the entire industry. Already, some 40 states have introduced more than 400 AI-related bills.

Wiener expressed confidence that the document will be passed before the autumn, despite expected criticism from parts of the IT industry. Various stakeholders have been involved in working on the bill, he said.

Source: The Washington Post