The US has proposed banning impersonation of other people, including through artificial intelligence

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 17.02.2024, 16:15
The US has proposed banning impersonation of other people, including through artificial intelligence

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The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will revise the current rules that prohibit impersonating representatives of companies or government agencies. In this way, the agency wants to extend these restrictions to all consumers in light of the growing threat of dipfakes.

Here's What We Know

Under the proposed revision, generative AI platforms could be prohibited from providing goods or services that are used to harm consumers by impersonating others.

"Fraudsters are using voice cloning & other AI tools to impersonate individuals with eerie precision and at scale", FTC head Lina Khan commented on the initiative.

As fraud and vote cloning using AI technology grows, protecting US citizens from such abuses is more important than ever, she said.

Earlier, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled that robocalls using AI were illegal. This was part of the federal agencies' measures to counter spoofing technologies, including in the election process.

Source: TechCrunch