The Russians want to produce the first batch of Su-75 Checkmate fifth-generation fighters in 2026

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 21.11.2023, 23:38

The Su-75 Checkmate is Russia's second fifth-generation fighter jet. Rostec has said it will be available in three years.

Here's What We Know

The Russians are preparing to launch production of the first copies of the Su-75 Checkmate fifth-generation fighter jets. According to Rostec, the aircraft's developers have held talks with customers to clarify technical specifications and adjust the cost.

The plant where the fighter production will be set up has already received design documentation for the Su-75. The enterprise has begun preparations for the production of the first samples of the fifth-generation aircraft, which was announced two years ago.

At the moment, it is unclear how much the potential cost of the Su-75 Checkmate has changed compared to the announced $30 million. Previously, it was positioned as a cheaper analogue of the US F-35 Lightning II fighter.

The Su-75 Checkmate will be able to reach speeds of Mach 1.8 (617.4 m/s) and carry up to 7,000kg of payload, hitting up to six targets simultaneously. The first flight of the test model is scheduled for 2025, and deliveries of the fifth-generation fighters will begin in 2026. The volume of the first batch is not specified. Earlier it was reported that serial production will begin in 2027.