Czech volunteers want to buy an American UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

By: Myroslav Trinko | 16.11.2023, 14:57
Czech volunteers want to buy an American UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The Czech initiative Darek pro Putina is going to launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for a helicopter for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Here's What We Know

We are talking about the American helicopter UH-60 Black Hawk. Fundraising for it will be launched this Friday, November 17. It is not yet known how much the helicopter will cost.

By the way, this is not the first time that the Darek pro Putina initiative has bought weapons for Ukrainian defenders. For example, last year volunteers raised $3,850,000 for Victor anti-aircraft systems based on Toyota Land Cruiser to combat Iranian Shahed-136 UAVs. In addition, the volunteers also bought for the AFU an RM-70 multiple rocket launcher and 365 rockets for $1,400,000.


The UH-60M Black Hawk is an American tactical multipurpose helicopter. It is designed to transport personnel, military cargo, as well as for the evacuation of the wounded and transporting large-sized cargo. The UH-60M Black Hawk is produced by Sikorsky Aircraft (owned by Lockheed Martin). The first version of the helicopter was released in 1974. Since then, it has received many modifications. UH-60M Black Hawk participated in many military conflicts. By the way, there is one such helicopter in service with the Ukrainian Air Intelligence.

Source: @DarPutinovi